Thursday, September 17, 2009

FO: Eclipse Socks

Pattern: Eclipse Socks by Julie P. Miller
Yarn: Valley Yarns Huntington
Needles: Addi Turbo Lace 2.5mm

So maybe I liked the books :). Sometimes you have to embrace your inner fan girl. I love the look of these socks, the way the ribbon design looks like the red is spilling from the cuff to the toes is so cool. We stopped at WEBS on the way up to my in laws so I could pick up some sock yarn for these and a pair of Addi Turbo Lace needles for magic loop. The needles are amazing by the way, perfect joins, flexible cables, this was the happiest sock knitting experience I have had. The long holiday weekend gave me plenty of knitting time and since I was knitting these together from the toe up, with an afterthought heel they were nearly complete by the time we got home. The duplicate stitching was what took me a long time. I don't think I did the best job, the writing on the back of one sock looks pretty bad. I'm also dumb and think I followed the chart upside down. This was my first time doing an afterthought heel and while it doesn't fit my personal ankles as well as a gusseted heel it is great for knitting the heel in another color or for a prolonged period of mindless knitting. I love these socks but I am really worried about how they will wear, I can see my toenails through them :( I think I'll have to treat them gently. I will also have to add some elastic to the cuffs, I used a Russian bind off and I don't like it, way too loose. Doesn't it figure the most recent issue of Knitty came out just days after I bound off with a new technique for toe up socks. My husband is dismayed that I didn't write I heart Andy on them, maybe I'll write it on the other. Or I may take advice from my sister and make his something that says I heart Kate on it and make him wear it. I have plenty of yarn left over so I have started on some Breaking Dawn socks, they have some really cool shadow knitting which I had never done before. I don't often like knitting socks but for some reason I feel like it now. I've learned to embrace these knitting urges, just cast on and go with what you really want to knit at that time. Amazingly I tend to finish more if I go this route.

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